Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm Alive, I Swear!!

-blows dust off the computer, hits the CPU a few times-

I swear, I'm still alive, promise! So much has been thrown at me, I feel like I'm standing on the receiving end of a turbine engine after a school of directionally challenged pigeons decided to have a game of tag on the landing strip. In short, a mess XD

But never fear, have I got content to make up for my silence! Well, sorta >> Okay, I have five novels in different stages of completion, a web comic on a back burner and a thesis on the boiler. I know, I need to be institutionalized. Probably already am and don't know it XD

But, for all my jibber jabber, I've been working in my handy dandy sketchbook for the past 7-8 months, and now that I have access to a scanner, I can show you all the random doodles that plugged up the holes between noveling, animating and baking (yes, baking, I have a side business).

Behold! Stuff!

Chloe- Between The Lines, 2011

Kelstrin's Final Outfit Design- Steam & Mist, 2011

A Sokruri, 2011

Mokhani- Steam & Mist, 2011

Plague Doctor Test Poses- Plague Doctor, 2011

Aros Sketch- Block, 2011

Kelstrin Healing Frederick- Steam & Mist, 2011

T'Gha- Stranded, 2011

And now for the cherry on top!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Updates- Block

Hey everyone! Getting back into the habit of posting but I have awesome news!

First off, the unveiling of the first poster for Block!

And now for the cherry on top-

I need to raise capital for this project. I need to reach $1260 by September 14th otherwise I'll have to take out loans and lock horns with banks and more debt :< But this is where you come in! :D If you can donate just a dollar, it helps immeasurably. If you cannot donate, that's perfectly fine; if you circulate this to others to generate hype and other possible backers. Depending on how much you donate as well, you're eligible to awesome awards, ranging from a special thanks in the credits to a kickin' Art Bundle containing original artwork and a signed poster! :D

Block, A Tale of Metaphorical Proportions Here is the link to the Kickstarter fund- and remember, every bit counts, even if it's just circulating the link!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Moar Updates! :D

VYou- Black Dawn Studios

Hey chickadees! To further expand my artsy roots on the internet, I've set up a Q&A type website for those curious about the origin of my ideas, characters, possible future goals and more! Also, I got an art comish for a steampunk western AND some animation for an art expo in October :D Things be looking up!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Book 1 is COMPLETE!

Hey chickadees! Been caught up in a lot of work in summer sessions. But there is good news! :D Book 1 of Steam & Mist is done!

Steam & Mist: Shadow Over Silestra

On top of that, art dumpage!

Facial Study of Frederick

EAF Gas Mask Design

Stay tuned for more, kiddies! :D

Friday, June 3, 2011

Spiel and a Possible Book

I guess I should update this, even if my production has slowed to a crawl. On a more positive note however, I'm really close to finishing my first book! :D I have maybe a little more to go and then Steam &Mist: Shadow Over Silestra, will be complete, and, if I dare risk it, I'll enter it in to an editor/publisher and see what they say. Then it's the fun part of transcribing it to a screenplay and all that jazz.

Yes I know, I hear many folks in the back of my head saying, "But, aren't you going a bit too far? You haven't even finished college yet."

My answer?

So what?

Ideas never stop coming to me, and I'm glad I have the ability to write and/or draw them down, otherwise I'd be a very sad person :< I suppose being "forced" to take basic art classes (since I didn't do it last year >>...oops) has reawakened the love I have for art. Yes, it's always been there, but you know, after a while, when you're doing art by the demands of another and not giving time to yourself, you lose that avaunt-garde belief of "art for art's sake". Hell, that term didn't even exist 70 years ago.

I'm taking Survey of Art History, which goes from cave paintings in Lascaux, Altamira and Chauvet (major inspiration) to medieval art. To say I am a kid in the candy store is an understatement. But then I'm also taking a History of Contemporary Art (1865-Present). Now for some, you might stop and go "Hold up, I thought contemporary art was all those squiggly lines, paint splatters and soup cans nonsense?" You're partially right, but that came later, in the "modern" period (post WWII). Yeah, now we're getting goofy with "post-modern" art definitions and all that jazz, but my point is I've learned a lot in this class- mostly, a new appreciation for art I originally saw as a joke (and in some cases, like with Marcel Duchamp, they were (if you don't know what I'm talking about, look up "Fountain, a Readymade artwork").

It's also opened my mind a little bit more on artwork- the guy you see who floods the Sydney Opera house with trees and foliage- A Forest of Lines (2008), the graffiti artist who's notorious for his itinerary to be fifty two pickup- Banksy, they are all telling a story.

I think my professor put it best in the analogy of language- once you understand the language, break the code that they are saying, the world of art opens up to you. Art is a language that has no dictionary, no phonetic spelling or can possibly be transcribed on paper in the exact approach that art does. It's like translating the Koran- we can only glean a basic translation, but what it's truly saying we may not know or understand in our language. The same goes for art- the only way to understand art is to speak art. And it may take the form of a paintbrush, a sculpture, the design for an ad, the way a person can move, how water arches through the air, how light travels and changes color, the way stone is formed, how random chance arranges objects on a floor.

I should get a spot on TED for this.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hey kiddos! I've been in the middle of move out for the summer, so I've been a little behind on updates. So, first off, the animatic is coming along well. I managed to acquire one or two friends to help me plan it out over the summer (still squeeing about it). Second, I've made a Vimeo account (since that seems to be the latest fad and all).

Come check it out!

Vimeo- Black Dawn Studios

Friday, May 13, 2011

Withdrawl and Summer

Haha, here's how I know I'm an animator- I feel like I should be animating something right now. It's like a coke addict when he doesn't get his fix- hands get shaky, palms sweaty, chapped lips, bloodshot eyes. Okay, so it's not that extreme, but hey, I'm hyperbolizing (can that be considered a verb now?)

So, to take up my time during the summer so I don't forget how to hold a pencil, I'm finally going to get around to making the animatic for a promo that's been sitting in my head for about a year now. It's a tie in to my story, Steam and Mist: Shadow Over Silestra. This one has a lot of dynamic shots in it so here goes nothing! -rolls up sleeves-

But first, I must attend screenings for my college. I say that like it's a bad thing when it really isn't. Spring is always the best because people show off their theses (thesises? thesi?) which I'll be doing next year (ho boi!~)

But for the meantime, I'm unwinding by blowing up Metal Gears and defeating Elder Gods. And I got tons of gum.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Button is Done!

Huzzah! At 7:45 AM this morning, I completed a successful 1 quarter project, The Button. Enjoy! (Probably gonna see if I can upload it to the AniBoom channel on Youtube)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To my Mother

A special gift for a special person-

I love you, mom!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Huzzah! I went in today with the new Block story idea and it passed with only a few considerations (mostly trimming fat, being a little less on the nosey) but hey! I got two professors to laugh! -fist pump- I can tell humor! The nymph story will wait for another time but now I'm feeling fired up for this one :D

I'm already getting poster and trailer ideas for this film. I'll post up the concept sketches within the upcoming week. For now, Imagine RIT and my 1 Quarter take precedence (as well as my mum's Mother's Day gift :D)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Update- The Button

Hey chickadees! The Button is almost finished. So far I've blocked out a majority of the action, taken care of some facial expressions and gathered sound. Seven more days to go and I'm pumped!...Despite being sick and having my next door neighbor's apartment complex's fire alarm go off...twice ==;

Anyways! Here's the current render test! Enjoy :3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Update- 5.3.11

-blows off dust- Yikes! Sorry I didn't update this sooner, guys! Well, I proposed the nymph story to the committee last week and got a resounding NO. It left me at a crossroads, despite producing a new story pretty much right after I got out of the thesis review. On the one hand, I was being objective, reworking the story and reapplying my best story tactics. I can continue to remain this way (which is the best response) but then I could be subjective. I'm teetering towards the latter just out of habit and experience, but this meeting was bitter medicine and in the end, I think the committee did me a favor.

I readily admit I think big. And it's not a bad thing. The issue is that I fall, have fallen, into a common trap- because I think too big, I don't realistically plan out large projects well, and there's only so much one person can do on a large project under limited time and massive pressure. So far, I have yet to become comfortable with the animation process. I have tried to assemble teams to aid me, but in the end, they have become more of a crutch.

It was also scary (but I saw it coming) that the professors who were reviewing my thesis knew how my thought process worked. Perhaps Mark said it best "this won't be your magnum opus". It made me stop after the meeting and think.

While it will sound pretentious, the difference is I'm being honest about my thoughts here. I have focused too much on the social validation of my peers. Too often I have shot for the stars while forgetting where my feet were because I wanted to be seen as an equal. It has always been my goal in art, just as much as wanting to entertain people. My life has been a series of trials, all resulting in a want of validation that I'm not a waste of DNA, that I'm worth some fiber in this fabric of humanity. Because, honestly, had health care not been as great and as paranoid of my life in my first moments of it, I'd be dead.

Ironically, it's because of the rejection I have faced overall from my peers, regardless of environment, that I have become pretentious sometimes, that I have been seen as arrogant or disdainful (and to an extent, I know I have been) because I believed "what was the point in giving them another chance? They've already proven to me they're not interested in knowing who I am". So I hid and continue to hide, mainly because I need to get used to some forms of rejection. 

The odd thing is how the thesis proposal has actually changed my perspective, if just a little. I wanted to tell a powerful story. I wanted to tell a personal story. Idealistically, I wanted it to be a film that would make my peers stop and think, to consider perhaps the other side of the story. It's that same old tale of the underdog usually vowing vengeance, saying "They'll pay! I'll show them all what they've done to me!" and through artistic expression would I get to their minds and hearts. Of course, thinking more practically, I realize my stories aren't strong and accessible enough to get to people of various emotional resistance, so in all likelihood, it would fall flat and become pretentious and melodramatic, at best.

What I have learned is that telling stories straight out through my medium aren't as strong as the emotions I put into other stories. Thinking now, AVI is a story that embodies my sorrow and loneliness best, while something like the creation of Aros (whose name is actually an acronym for Artistic Representation of Self) is more of my quirky, manic side (she really is starting to become me with every film I use her in).

Which brings me to the update, at long last! So, ironically, I decided to fall back on the original story my nymph thesis was based off of. I felt at the time it was too comic and didn't have enough substance. When I got out of the review, my mind was whirring with elements and ideas, and I managed to put together a story that's more audience accessible, and, if I can believe, actually might get a few laughs out of people. At the worst, I know it'll get a few smiles. Perhaps this is my calling- I've been so wrapped up in telling serious stories I never gave myself a chance to actually work with the medium and push its boundaries of reality.

Hopefully that'll change this Friday- I re-propose with this new idea, also titled Block. I'm feeling strong on this one, and I hope I can get at least one of the committee members smirking when they're reading/reviewing this. The goal of my film is as the process has shown me- using creative thinking and perseverance to overcome my obstacles. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Updates Part 1

Hey jelly spoons! Midway with my 2 minute animation, I was working some more on my senior thesis. This is just one of the multitude of sketches I have for characters (plus a bristol cover I've been working on just for kicks :D) Enjoy!

Nymph Sleeping in the Grass sketch

Friday, March 25, 2011

Update- 3.25.11

Hey chickadees! Still working away on various projects but I manage to squeeze in a doodle here and there. A friend of mine recommended that I might consider being an art director in a gaming company. You know, that's not as crazy as it sounds.

Also, my business has now been launched! :D Come check it out! The Midnight Baker

The Avatar of Suffering

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Update- 3.16.11

Wee! -blows dust off the blog- Sorry, guys, Spring work swept me off my feet and I'm knee deep in projects. However, I've been building more stories and ideas, and recently I've been inspired to write a story outside of my field- realistic urban fiction. Even weirder, it's a romantic journey in the sense of emotions and understanding one's self and desires. It's called Between The Lines, where a middle aged, married columnist meets a young intern from SVA at the magazine company he works for (name yet decided).

So far, I've designed the columnist. Enjoy!

Jonathan MacKenzie

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Update- Block Concept Art

I'm still building up the rest of the characters, but this image popped into my head.

Monday, February 21, 2011

For a Special Someone

Happy Birthday, mom!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update- The Button

(Almost) complete Character Turnaround for The Button

I've decided to try my hand at a more simple, cartoon-esque style for now in my future animations. Also, not having a nose makes life a little easier :P

I know the arms seem a bit stiff for the front view, but otherwise I kinda enjoy this style. Square tipped fingers is another new thing for me.

Stay tuned for more!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Grand Opening!

Greetings, chickadees! In this wonderfully wacky world of modern technology, I felt I should try and keep up with everyone else :P So, this shall be my production blog concerning all of my artistic endeavors, predominantly my animated ones :D

I've faced a minor setback with The Drifter due to falling into a common trap of mine that I've only now gotten out of- the problem is I go for something a bit too grandiose to complete within a reasonable amount of time. I'm correcting this mistake with my updated 1 Qtr project, The Button. Simple, elegant, a single shot, one character, not much if any of a background- I have high prospects for this one. I'm also beginning some design work on Block, which I intend to make my thesis, much as I wanted AVI to be it, but I think I'll save that for festivals.

After I peel off Winter's shackles, I'm getting it right this time. I need time for my projects, but I also need time for my writing and art.

I've also found that screenwriting seems to be a strong suit for me as well. I'm almost done writing my first full length feature script, which has got me excited :D. I had been struggling with it for a while due to avoiding Exposition Lane, but at the cost of Chekov's Armory. As for my novel-in-progress, I've come to a minor speed bump, but nothing a good brainstorming session can't fix.

A strange and seemingly unmarketable skill I've uncovered as well is world building. I'm not necessarily talking about video game-esque world building, but serious investment in a fictional world. I've already designed over a dozen maps just concerning one world, from country borders, to populations, to types of government, trade routes, alliances, etc. I go further by introducing politics, the fauna and flora of the planet, even how high some places are from sea level. If I could find a way to make this skill marketable, it could make my life a little easier as I go on my way to opening my animation studio. 

So, lotta things prepped, lotta work to do, but ya know what? I'm ready for it ^^ Stay tuned, ladies and jelly spoons!

  • The Drifter: 85% Production
  • The Button: 10% Pre-Production
  • Block: 5% Pre-Production
  • Passive- Music Video: 10% Pre-Production
  • Meltdown- Music Video: 10% Pre-Production
  • Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder- Music Video: 10% Pre-Production
  • AVI- 10% Pre-Production
  • Steam & Mist Promo- 20% Pre-Production
  • True Name: 95% Edited
  • Steam & Mist- Book 1: Shadow Over Silestra: 75% Written
  • Cerulo Species Chart: 50% Drawn
  • Feekanai Species Chart: 0% Drawn
  • Bilbaku Species Chart: 0% Drawn
  • Xihouni Species Chart: 0% Drawn
  • Rokar Species Chart: 0% Drawn