Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Upcoming Works/Ideas

Welp, Block is still in the shop getting polished up, but in the meantime I have a few new things on the burner- namely a recent obsession I got into. Steam Powered Giraffe, a fantastic group I was introduced to a few months back. With listening to their "Honeybee" song, cogs in my head started turning, and so far, I've compiled this puppet head-

Rabbit from Steam Powered Giraffe
I'm going to go back and blend the mouth lines so they're not solid black, but I'm pretty happy seeing how the copper rust turned out :D I'll be uploading an animatic of my head hopefully within the month, while polishing up my animation skills, building a reel, etc blah blah blah.

Being out of college is an interesting experience, watching the working world within a snow globe and wondering when you'll decide to shake things up with your presence.

I've also begun cracking down on Steam & Mist, both in art and story. I'm ironing out the first book and hopefully I'll submit the draft into publishing houses within the year (that is a stretched hope, but hey, dreams can be obtained if you work hard enough). Christmas is a reasonable goal anyways :P I hope to be swamped with animation and art work while editing the writing, but stay tuned for new pieces from the story! (There's a particular title piece in the works that I'm very proud of, though Frederick's expression looks more bored than lost in thought)

WIP Title Picture:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time For a Doozy

So, this is it- Spring Quarter. All the crying, swearing, spitting, cursing, kicking myself, hiding under chairs, empty soda bottles and pat mistakes have brought me to this point. I have nine weeks to put out a finished product, something I can be proud of, something that illustrates the culmination of all my artistic talent thus far.

Or something like that.

Obviously, the LAST thing I need is to get injured, right? Some sort of arbitrary accident that could've been easily avoided and didn't require some demented blue brace, right? I mean, who the hell needs that? The universe couldn't be that cruel...right?


The very first day of Spring, I'm walking home to catch the bus, happy at how awesome my final classes are. My ears are drowning in Vocaloid (I like it, so sue me), my satchel is light, the sun is behind the hazy gray clouds, all and all, not a bad Monday. Until something crashed into me from behind and flung me into the pavement. The first thought crossing my mind as I soared towards the asphalt was "who the hell tackled me?!" and for a brief moment, I thought it was my friend, Brook, being over-zealous, as is her wont. I tumble over my satchel in a heap, breaking my fall with my right hand and being met with white hot pain. I didn't know how long I was screaming, but it was bad enough that my body was shaking as I gripped my wrist.

Once the waves of jagged green and white left my mind, the first thing to reach my ears was a frantic chant of "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Oh my god, are you okay?!" I sat up in a daze, realizing I had been crying amidst my howls and saw a chap with a red hoodie and dark glasses practically dancing around me as he continued his chant. I saw blood on his lips and asked if he was alright- they were chapped and either he bit them or started shouting as well when the crash happened. I looked over my shoulder and saw the assailant lying on the ground- a vintage black bicycle with no visible brake system. It turns out the chap frolicking around me had made no warning or attempt to go around me down the wide road leading to the buses and apparently had failed to notice me (seriously, how do you miss something tall, blue and (moderately) fat?).

Rather than get his name, I was caught up in making sure I hadn't smashed my skull open, or worse, my hand (yeah, I got my priorities straight).

The universe has now given me a new challenge- until Monday, I'm stuck in this stupid brace. Which means taking out the pruning shears and having at it for my thesis. Everything you've seen thus far is now obsolete =/ In a bizarre way, I'm grateful the universe knocked me on my ass- my thesis was dragging on FOREVER. So stay tuned for a brand new thesis! Sorta. Ish >> Moving on!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Midway Finishes

Five days and counting O_O Been working on a lot of the keys, getting some of the basics down. Sorry, I'm babbling ^^;;

The reason once again for my silence was putting my thesis together- all the fun bits of blocking scenes, adding a few shots in, dumping others out. This is what I have keyed so far, and by this weekend, the whole thing will be ready for fleshing and polishing. Enjoy! :D